و من لم يذق مر التعليم ساعة تجرع ذل الجهل طول حياته"- لا خير في كاتم العلم"

vendredi 20 mai 2011

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
إخواني المقبلين على شهادة  التعليم المتوسط أولا أتمنى لكم جميعا النجاح في نيل الشهادة التي تعتبر حاجزا صعبا في وجه الجزائريين
انصح بالثقة بالنفس ووضع برنامج منظم مع الالتزام به و عدم التفكير في النتيجة لأنك تضيع وقت المراجعة في حين ستكون لك 2 أسبوŸ3; للتفكير فيها و هذه بعض الأدعية سوف تحسون بالراحة و الاطمئنان

mardi 3 mai 2011

BEM June 2009

What if you had to work today?
    A hundred years ago many children had to work. Some weren't even ten years old .Their workday was often sixteen hours long .These children never went to school. They head no time to play .They hardly ever got fresh air .How could this happen?
    Some children had no mothers or fathers who could look after them .Others had to take care of their sick parents .Most were just helping their families earn money to live.
    Many people worried about such children .They forced the people who made the laws to do something about this problem.
    In 1916,a new law was passed .For the first time in the United States , young children were not allowed to have jobs in factories .
    People today understand that children need to rest and play .They know, too, that schoolwork is the best kind of "job" for young minds.
                                                                    Adapted from "Reading for Content"
                                                                     By Jane Cutler and Janet Joers.